











The '8 BIT' SYSTEM was formed in 2001 under the Digital One Sound Gallery project - the Siberian underground community which brought up a range of bright names, widely-known in the narrow modern art circles of Western Siberia.

Three old noisy 8-bits drum-machines, which were not commuted and hard to synchronize. All data was stored in operating memory and was deleted after the machines were unplugged. Retro futuristic stories about robots and computers recorded in the soviet times played on the turntables. Sometimes it was Electro, sometimes Techno, sometimes Noise, but, in general, rather Techno, Dirty Analog Techno.

The noise of drum-machines was the sound of devices marshaled in ranks and marching in one rhythm. The noise is just a noise. It has no personality. Similar-looking boys and girls do the same movements.
We tried to answer the questions: What is the role of a man in the modern music? Can the robots compose the music? What is the music created by mechanisms? Is it the music of soulless machines? Who are we: live people or robots and zombies?

ELEMENTS OF SYSTEM: D1, Sly Boots and Haikoo.

balances the system telling in Japanese about robotozombies reality. Haikoo is the master of robots. She has a power to make them obey. She maintains the System stable. She is the only live element in the scheme, the lonely soul in the world of mechanisms. She is the flower growing through the asphalt and concrete.

stopped using drum machines when realized that today's software gives more flexible tools to create the music. The name of the band was decided to be kept since the elements of mistake and random noise intrinsical to Low-Fi are still the important part of the work.

We ignore the strict limits of styles. Our music is eclectic, but its concept can be defined as "multicultural trash". We have no scheme while we are playing. Something may be prepared in advance; something is created in real time. It is well-rehearsed improvisation, so to say; and the result depends on the current vibes. First of all '8 BIT' SYSTEM is a live system, where the elements joined together create new synergetic effect, and at the same time the system itself changes the nature of elements.

You may download some audio stuff by 8bit in "to listen" section.


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